GBA's Divergabout Design Enhances Traffic Flow
Project Overview
A Divergabout, a brand-new layout that includes a diverging diamond cross-over at one ramp terminal and a roundabout at the other, was chosen to alleviate traffic issues at the busy US-50 and MO-291 S interchange and provide stakeholders with long-term time and cost savings.
The GBA Transportation Engineering team was hired to refine and optimize this unique concept. Details like bridge skews, ramp alignments, roundabout geometrics, lane widths, signal spacing and signage were all studied to ensure the constructed interchange would be successful.
Project Scope
The scope of GBA’s role in the project included the development of preliminary, right-of-way and final plans, which included:
- Optimizing the interchange layout
- Designing two bridges
- Four retaining walls
- Ramp and intersection reconstruction and improvements
- A frontage road realignment
- Storm sewer design
- Pavement marking and signing
GBA also oversaw and provided quality control for lighting and signal design. Improvements also included pavement upgrades to Route 291 and US-50, including widening and shoulder reconstruction.
Key Objectives
GBA’s key objectives were to optimize the traffic operations with lane balancing and geometric design, to develop an easily constructible project while maintaining traffic during construction and engage regional stakeholders to provide the right access for future development and understand existing property owners’ concerns.
Engineering Awards
- APWA Kansas City, Public Works Project of the Year, 2018
- ACEC of Missouri, Engineering Excellence, 2018
- CPG, Excellence in Concrete, 2018
- KCITE, Excellence in Transportation, 2018
- MOVITE Transportation Achievement Award for Operations, 2019