Asset Management & Reliability
Strategic Asset Management for Municipal Infrastructure
Asset Management is the management of municipal infrastructure assets to provide a desired level of service at an acceptable level of risk for the lowest life cycle cost. GBA’s Municipal Services group brings together experienced municipal management and engineering professionals to assist clients in designing, developing, and implementing scalable Asset Management solutions.
Entities employing Asset Management principles have a comprehensive understanding of their asset inventory and condition, are proactive, not reactive, do the right project at the right time, develop sound and defensible budgets and capital improvement plans, have better regulatory compliance, and instill trust in their governing bodies and citizens.
From our field staff, experienced in asset data collection and inventory, to our technical staff, which can provide accurate, useful analysis, we are well suited to provide a scalable, turn-key solution. Our specialty is turning a complicated management process into an easy-to-use and maintained tool.
Offers & Solutions
Evaluation & StrategyAsset Condition & Risk AssessmentsAsset Inventory & HierarchyAsset Mapping |
Planning & AnalysisAsset Management Maturity AssessmentsBusiness Case EvaluationsReplacement & Rehabilitation Scenario ModelingStrategic Asset Management Plan Development (SAMP) |
Management ToolsAsset Management SoftwareComputerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)Life-Cycle Costing |