Award-Winning Design
Project Overview
GBA performed conceptual, preliminary and final design for the LPA administered reconstruction of Wabash Avenue. The design consisted of a wider roadway section, grade changes, intersection realignment, sidewalk, drainage improvements, channel improvements and bridge replacement. Before reconstruction, the corridor consisted of substandard clear zones, poor intersection geometrics, unconnected and non-ADA compliant pedestrian facilities, and an undersized and hydraulically inefficient bridge structure.
The full design for the reconstruction included 1,800 linear feet of major collector asphalt with new concrete. This included the wider roadway section with the addition of left-turn lanes and a new sidewalk.
As part of a roadway improvement project, the GBA Transportation Engineering team also assisted with the resizing of a culvert replacement and replacing the water main along Wabash Avenue. The water main replacement design included approximately 2,200 feet of 8- to 12-inch water pipe, a creek crossing and three cross-street connections. The culvert replacement involved developing a hydraulic model to size the proposed culvert for the appropriate design event for the no-rise condition.
Construction for this project was completed in 2017 using a combination of staged construction and road closure.
Awards: 2018 MO/KS Chapter, ACPA Excellence in Concrete Paving Award – Municipal Streets & Intersections