Ensuring Continuous Operation and Safety
Project Overview
This project involved a complete upgrade of the building automation system (BAS) in Building 1 (13 floors), Building 26 (5 floors) and Building 56 (1 floor). The scope of work included abatement, drywall, ACT, painting, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, communications and upgrading 22 Universal Network Controllers (UNCs) with 22 Schneider Electric Smart Structure LON ASP servers or an equivalent in the existing BAS reference. Also included was augmenting the existing BAS to monitor and data log water flow rates in real-time 24/7/365 within the hot and cold water loops.
The project included the addition of approximately 204 immersion-type temperature-only sensors and approximately 120 flow meters with separate immersion-type temperature sensors, all in the domestic hot and cold water piping at the locations identified on the project drawings.
All construction work was performed while the facility remained fully occupied and operational. Each phase of construction was isolated from the occupants by fire-rated/clean room construction barriers and a negative air environment to preclude any airborne contaminants/particulate matter, microorganisms and dust from infiltrating the occupied and clean room spaces. Shift work and temporary acoustic barriers were implemented when appropriate to minimize the effects of noise and vibration-making activities. Coordination of phasing and operations with the client and staff was critical, and weekly meetings between contractor and owner were utilized for frequent and optimum communication.
Infectious Control Risk Assessment measures were implemented for this project, and we partnered with the Owner to phase construction, accelerate the construction schedule, and work diligently with the client to ensure the budget was maintained. This project included several scheduled power outages, power transfers and provisions of temporary emergency power where mission-critical scopes were required to be completed within a specified time frame.